About Our Church

What is Important To Us? What Are Our Priorities?

The One True Triune God

Revealed to us as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


We were birthed in music and we love to use it in joyful praises to God!


We pray without ceasing.  For example, every chair in our sanctuary – the chair YOU occupy – has been covered in prayer!  So expect to be blessed when you worship with us!

God's Word

You’ll hear it proclaimed in every message.  The Holy Scriptures are the verbally inspired Word of God, our infallible rule of faith and practice.


Our heart’s desire is to see every person ministered to so they in turn can freely use their unique gifts to minister to others.

The Lord Jesus Christ

The Word made Flesh, born of a Virgin, sacrificed on the Cross as our perfect sin offering, raised bodily from the dead and is now exalted at God’s right hand.  Salvation comes only through repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His atoning Blood.

Jesus is the only reason for Turning Point's existence.

Weekly Service

(Child care provided):
Sundays, 10 a.m.

Children’s Church

Sundays 10 a.m.

Men’s Meeting:

First Sunday of Every Month


Women’s Meeting:

2nd Sunday of Every Month

Upcoming Events

01/26 09:00 AM Bible Study

01/26 10:00 AM Children's Church/Sunday Service

02/02 09:00 AM Bible Study

02/02 10:00 AM Children's Church/Sunday Service

02/02 06:00 PM Men's Meeting